
My Life is Stuck - Wisdom Wednesday

“I need to take action, but I can’t. I am stuck, I keep trying stuff and nothing happens.”

“My timeline doesn’t allow me to make a the decision I need to make so I am just waiting. I hate just waiting - I need to do something. My family needs me to do something, my soul feels like it is going to burst if I don’t make something happen.”

When all you’re doing is waiting, you start to feel antsy. You feel as if you aren’t doing the things men are supposed to do which is take action and to make something happen in your life - we believe that here, we teach that and push you to take action.

But we cannot confuse taking right action, with controlling every aspect of our lives. Sometimes it doesn’t matter the action we take. We cannot control the outcomes. Sometimes we are just stuck, waiting, wondering what is going on. Doing the things we need to do but without anything happening. We’re just stuck.

How do we get unstuck?

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Institute of Men
A Christian podcast deriving wisdom from what is ancient, traditional, and from the greatest men in history.

About your host

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Keaton Tucker

Keaton Tucker is the host of the Institute of Men podcast. He is a former pastor interested in historic Christianity, building up Godly men, and loving on his growing family.

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